Based on statistics released by the National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse, acute urinary tract infection (UTI) has become the most common bacterial infection in the United States affecting over 11 million Americans each year. The main conventional treatment for UTI is antibiotics, but for those who’d rather avoid experiencing the adverse effects of these drugs, a natural and safer healing alternative such as acupuncture is usually their preferred mode of treatment.

Acupuncture has been used for over three thousand years to treat various kinds of disease. It has its roots in China and is part of an ancient medical system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to TCM, health is brought about by a harmonious balance of the complementary opposites of yin and yang of vital energy. Acupuncture works on the idea that within each person there are patterns of vital energy (Qi) that flow through the body and are responsible for health. If this flow is interrupted, for any reason whatsoever, disease such as UTI can occur.

What Causes UTI?

UTI is also known as bladder infection. It arises when the urinary tract is infected with bacteria. Because a woman’s urethra is shorter than a man’s and because bacteria can easily reach the bladder, women are more prone to this type of infection than men.

In women, several factors can increase the risk of UTI. They include not drinking enough water, a diet low in protein but high in carbohydrates, and sexual intercourse, especially with multiple partners.

The signs and symptoms of UTI can begin with a persistently strong urge to urinate. When they urinate, some sufferers may experience a burning sensation along with rectal pain, in men and pelvic pain in women. In severe instances, the person may experience blood in his/her urine, back pain, chills, and fever.

Fortunately, people with UTI can always avail themselves of acupuncture in Jacksonville to completely cure this disease and prevent it from ever recurring.

According to TCM, UTI’s underlying pattern can either be a deficiency or excess and always involves Qi. A Qi pattern that’s deficient may be due to not having sufficient energy for the bladder to metabolize water. This type of pattern can manifest as an achy lower back, shortness of breath, tiredness, a sallow complexion, incontinence or dripping, and a heavy sensation in the lower stomach. An excess pattern can mean that the QI is stagnating which can lead to symptoms such as rib pain or tightness in the chest, pain or a sensation of fullness in the lower stomach, and difficulty urinating.

How is Acupuncture Conducted?

During acupuncture, practitioners use filiform needles that are stuck into the skin at certain acupuncture points that are determined during the diagnostic phase of the treatment. When a needle is inserted, it is believed to resolve imbalances in the flow of Qi within the body. Several studies have produced results indicating acupuncture to be a viable and safe therapy for UTI.

Based on a relatively recent study, women suffering from recurring urinary tract infections discovered acupuncture to be extremely effective against their condition. For a minimum of six months, 85 percent of the women treated with acupuncture were cured of their infection. Besides that, when administered by well-trained and experienced practitioners using sterile needles, acupuncture is deemed to be totally safe.

To make sure there is no recurrence of UTI in the future, it is important that you practice good hygiene, stay active, eat a healthy diet, and drink adequate amounts of fluid every day. After treatment, acupuncture does not only relieve UTI symptoms, it also enhances a person’s well and overall health.

Before, because of chronic pain, day-to-day things can be difficult to endure, now with acupuncture, you can take them on head on.