Being a quite sensitive topic, few people are aware that the problem of premature ejaculation (PE) is the most commonly reported sexual complaint of men and couples. The origin of PE is still undetermined. PE usually is a complaint of younger inexperienced males but it can also be associated with causes such as the use of certain drugs and medications that affect male virility and sexual performance. Other experts also think that its cause maybe mostly psychological and triggered by strong emotions such as stress, guilt, or fear. Several treatment approaches are available for PE; however if one wants a natural 100% safe and affective approach, acupuncture is the treatment for you. Acupuncture Bellmore is a very effective therapy for PE. It has been used as treatment for a number of male sexual dysfunction cases and PE is one of them.
Ancient Chinese texts have discussed the equality and harmony of the sexual relationship between men and women – intercourse between a man and a woman pertains to the equal exchange of yin and yang. These texts emphasize moderation in sex since excessive intercourse can exhaust these creatures of their resources. The text describes the methods wherein each partner can satisfy each other optimally emotionally and intimately. Desire is the barometer of strong sexual health and a low libido can be seen as an aggregation of negative extreme emotions. For patients who are not satisfied with conventional therapies or who want to try an exotic approach, acupuncture could offer excellent therapeutic options. Upon consultation, the acupuncturist performs an exhaustive evaluation of the patient, including assessment of the patient’s spirit and where the specific acupuncture points are located on the patient’s body for treatment.
Most acupuncturists use electro acupuncture for their patients suffering PE. Electro acupuncture is a very potent tool for this disorder. The aim of this treatment is to minimize pain and balance the patient’s chi. During the course of the treatment, the patient feels relaxed and comfortable. A treatment session usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes. Many patients report an improvement in their PE after three or four treatments. Acupuncture can be complemented by herbal medicine, Qi Gong, massage and cupping. Another technique that is quite effective for PE is the Aung Conjoint Sexual Alignment Therapy. This therapy is truly holistic in its approach as it involves the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of an individual. If the patient has a partner, she is encouraged to participate in the treatment since her participation makes the therapy more effective. This approach involves the couple lying next to each other with palms touching to allow electrical currents to pass between them. They are both wired and connected to a machine that emits low-intensity electrical current and with that current flowing through each other, they balance their energy for sexual satisfaction.