No real cure exists for premenstrual syndrome but there are a lot of ways that can help lessen the severity of the myriad of symptoms caused by PMS. Studies done several years ago have revealed that a proper diet along with certain lifestyle changes can greatly lessen the PMS symptoms of 85% of the women studied who are of childbearing age.

Sadly, however, there are women who suffer from a more severe form of PMS. This kind of PMS is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD. This disorder may involve medical treatment to address its severe symptoms.

Exercise and Diet Prevents or Reduces PMS Symptoms

Other studies have revealed that following a healthy diet and doing regular exercise enabled women to experience milder PMS symptoms compared to women who seldom perform any physical activity and/or eat a poor diet. Health professionals recommend aerobic exercise for women for at least 3 to 5 five days a week.

Activities that are highly recommended can include tennis, brisk walking, swimming, running, gym workouts or other activities that increase heart rate and breathing. Another very good way to reduce symptoms of PMS is to get a good amount of quality sleep. The same health professionals recommend that a woman should get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Eating a healthy well balanced diet can mean good general health for the woman as well as a great preventive measure for dealing with premenstrual syndrome; if you do already suffer from PMS symptom, a healthy diet can greatly minimize or better these symptoms. Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and fiber and at the same time cutting down on alcohol, caffeine, red meat, refined sugars and salt are highly advised to prevent PMS symptoms from occurring. Smoking is notoriously known to amplify the symptoms of PMS and therefore needs to be stopped or at least limited especially during your premenstrual cycle.

Dietary Supplements for PMS

Some dietary supplements have shown to be effective in lessening certain PMS symptoms. Magnesium supplements can be effective in lowering the symptoms caused by PMS particularly when they are taken in 360 mg dosages thrice a day and when they are utilized two weeks before the onset of menstruation.

St. John’s Wort, an herbal supplement has also shown to reduce moodiness and depression in women suffering from PMS. Calcium supplements have also proven to lessen the anxiety level of some women suffering from PMS.

Exercise and Over-the-Counter Medications

Aerobic and stretching exercises like cycling, swimming, jogging, yoga and pilates are proven reducers of PMS symptoms in women. Health experts advice that performing a minimum of 3 to 5 times of the aforementioned physical activities each week for 20 to 30 minutes a day is a great way to prevent the rise of PMS symptoms.

Drugs that can be bought over-the-counter can also help prevent or control PMS symptoms. Some of these medicines include Tylenol PMS, Midol and Pamprin. Other pain relievers with ibuprofen can also work effectively for painful PMS symptoms.

Most of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome can be readily addressed with lifestyle and dietary changes and over-the-counter medications. However, if your symptoms are so that they affect your daily life, you may need to consult with your doctor or gynecologist so you may be thoroughly evaluated for some other underlying condition.

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401 New Rd #211
Linwood, NJ 08221
Phone: (609) 248-6922