Falun Dafa is made up of five easy to learn, slow, and gentle exercises. They are designed to help improve your body and can be practiced anytime and anywhere with no limitations. They are most appropriate for people living in a modern fast paced society.

An easier way to learn is to obviously obtain a free lesson at your nearest site of practice. You don’t need any appointment to participate. Just show up and practice!

First Exercise – Buddha Displaying the Thousand Hands

The stretching of the body is at the heart of this exercise. The stretching decongests parts of the body where energy is blocked, activates the energy inside the body and under the skin so that it flows energetically, and absorbs automatically a large amount of energy from the universe. This allows all the meridians in the body of the practitioner to open at the beginning.

Second Exercise – Falun Standing Position

This stance involves a peaceful standing meditation made of four wheel-holding positions. Regular practice of this exercise can help promote the total opening of the whole body. The Falun Standing Position is an all-inclusive type of cultivation practice that reinforces divine powers, promotes us to a higher level, boosts gong potency, and increases wisdom.

Third Exercise – Penetrating the Celestial Extremes

This exercise channels the energy of the universe and combines it with the energy within your body. During this exercise, a huge amount of energy is discharged and received, which helps cleanse the body a practitioner within a very short amount of time.

Fourth Exercise – Falun Celestial Orbit

This exercise allows the energy within our body to flow smoothly over large areas — that is, back and forth continuously from the entire side of yin to the whole side of yang side within the body.

Fifth Exercise – Strengthening Supernatural Powers

This is a peaceful type of cultivation exercise. The Strengthening Supernatural Powers exercise is superior to the intermediate level and was initially a set of secret or occultic exercises. This exercise is performed in a sitting position with both legs crossed. The circulation of the energy field surrounding the body is huge during the exercise. The longer your legs are crossed, the better. This exercise is based on your endurance.

Tammi A. Jones is a licensed acupuncturist in Palm Harbor, FL., practicing acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and Western medical pathology. She is also the founder of Synoma Wellness Centre.