If you have difficulties falling or staying asleep, it’s likely that you are suffering from insomnia. Insomnia is a condition that corresponds to low sleep quality that comes with symptoms manifesting at a minimum of thrice a week over a period of a month to two or more months.
Insomnia can be experienced by any person. In the Unites States about 35% of the adult population suffers from it with women and the elderly being the ones most likely to be affected.
A number of researches have indicated that the frequency of insomnia tends to rise with age. Women experience insomnia usually in connection with menopause, pregnancy or their menstrual periods. Although usually a symptom that is associated with other more serious conditions, insomnia can be a health condition in its own right.
Without prompt medical attention, acute or short-term insomnia may affect a person for one to several nights and may worsen into a chronic or long–term condition that can last for several months or even years.
Insomnia can leads to symptoms such as:
-Problems falling asleep
-Waking up and not feeling refreshed or well-rested
-Light sleep
-Problems going back to sleep after waking up
-Waking up throughout the ntire night
-Waking up early
The quality of life of an insomnia sufferer falls with each symptoms of insomnia he/she experiences affecting the person physically, emotionally and mentally. The mental and physical fatigue that usually comes with this disorder can disrupt the sufferer’s activities severely during waking hours resulting on daytime drowsiness, tension headaches, weak concentration, anxiety, and fatigue.
Insomnia, if not medically resolved, can cause more illnesses, complications and health problems for the sufferer. Research has backed this up by showing that insomnia sufferers have a lot more health issues than non-sufferers do; insomniacs actually have the highest rate of depression of any other people.
Western conventional medicine commonly addresses insomnia with medications. Drugs, however, are not always reliable and they also come with unwanted and harmful side effects. When it comes to acupuncture treatment for insomnia in Bellingham, treatment is potent, effective and does not come with any side effects. Acupuncture is an ideal treatment for insomnia patients who are not too wild about using medications for their condition due to their numerous side effects. There are studies that have shown that acupuncture has a 93% rate of success in treating insomnia.
A well-known and widely used form of healing throughout the world, acupuncture started to be used in China around 5,000 years ago. It is a modality wherein filiform needles are used and inserted into specific points on the skin known as acupoints to generate a healing effect in the body.
It is shown that exercise and relaxation therapies may also help in the treatment of insomnia. Yoga, tai chi, qi gong, and meditation are deemed natural and healthy alternative techniques that can promote a profound state of sleep. These activities all are able to lower or remove stress from a person’s mind and body.
In order to maintain and/or establish healthy sleeping habits, one must follow these following recommendations:
-Avoid napping or sleeping during the day
-If you wake up during the night, neither worry about the time nor avoid looking at the clock. Just roll over and try to go back to sleep
-Unless you are noticeably tired or drowsy, you should not go to bed and try your best to fall asleep
-Just get out of bed and go to another room until you feel sleepy or tired enough to go to sleep. That is, you have problems falling asleep quickly
-Every night (including weekends) set your alarm clock to the same hour
-Avoid engaging in strenuous exercises or stimulating activities before going to bed.
-Avoid nicotine and alcohol when bedtime approaches
-Bed should only be used for sex and sleeping, not for lounging, studying, reading, eating, TV, etc.
-Do not consume caffeinated beverages, particularly during evening or afternoon hours
-Keep your bedroom in a quiet and sleep-inducing atmosphere. Lighting, sound, and temperature of your room should be conducive to sleeping.
Acupuncture combined with other natural therapies can be a highly effective way of resolving insomnia more so when the above-mentioned recommendations are followed.
If you suffer from insomnia or other related condition, you should always consult with your medical physician. It is really good news to know that a growing number of doctors now support and recommend acupuncture and other forms of natural therapies for their patients.
So, if you or someone you know has a problem with insomnia, you need to consider acupuncture as a way to resolve your problem.