No one knows what the real cause of anxiety is but medical researchers have determined that there are three major factors that contribute to anxiety: chemical imbalance in the brain, genetics and life experiences.

With the creation of much better technologies for medical research medical scientists and researchers are gaining more knowledge as to the things that develop anxiety disorders. These enhanced technologies help experts gain more knowledge of anxiety disorders including the biological and psychological effects as well as the development of this disorder.

Chemical Imbalance in the Brain

Patients suffering from signs of anxiety disorder overwhelmingly are given prescription drugs that modify the chemicals of the brain. Experts then theorize that since medications address the brain chemistry of anxiety disorder patients, chemical imbalance in the brain then is the reason why some people suffer from anxiety.

The chemicals in the brain referred above are called neurotransmitters. These are the ones sending messages to the brain. They also are the ones controlling the functions of feeling and thought and because of the imbalances in them, these feelings and thoughts become dysfunctional. Two neurotransmitters called dopamine and serotonin are the chemicals primarily affected and their imbalance can cause feelings of anxiety or depression of the individual.


A lot of people suffering from anxiety disorders have a family history of this disorder. Children born of parents or relatives who suffer from anxiety disorder are at high risk of acquiring this problem later on in their life.

Life Experiences

Medical and psychological researchers theorize that there is a direct connection between a life lived under poverty, violence or abuse and anxiety disorders. These three major experiences are often the background for a great number of patients with chronic anxiety disorder. If anxiety stems from life experiences, then scientists believe that anxiety can be overcome by unlearning these experiences.

Drug Use

Drugs such as amphetamines, cocaine and even caffeine can alter the chemical balance in the brain and can cause anxiety. A lot of cocaine users have said that cocaine generates a feeling of terror and panic which can even persist years after the user had stopped taking the drug. Stimulants and medications can cause anxiety too since their side effects can include anxiety attacks. A withholding or suppressing of emotions such as anger or even an extreme longing for approval can trigger anxiety attacks.

Anxiety also can come from life changes like loss of a loved one, a new job, a new school or pregnancy.

Lack of control over life events

People suffering from signs of anxiety think that their life seems to be beyond their control. They say this because they may have insurmountable debts to pay, or have a really hard time with subjects at school or are unable to cope with problems at work or even the nature of their work itself. Some experience severe anxiety from a stressful experience or situation.


Numerous researches done regarding stress have categorically shown that too much stress hormones in the body causes either depression or anxiety in a person.