Trigger points may develop in the muscles of the abdominal wall and are frequently associated with local pain and dysfunction. Due to the way the muscles are supplied with nerves, there may be an associated dysfunction of the internal organs. It is very common that trigger points in the abdominal wall are the cause of “irritable bowel syndrome” or “IBS”. As the trigger points in these muscles are activated by holding the abdominal wall under tension, it is no surprise that IBS is commonly associated with individuals who are prone to suffer the effects of psychological stress. Nowadays, acupuncture treatment in Miami is the most sought after alternative form of medicine in treating abdominal pain.
It is advisable for patients who present for acupuncture treatment of abdominal pain to have been properly investigated prior to referral. This includes exclusion of serious medical and surgical conditions which may be diagnosed by undertaking relatively straightforward tests by either the patients GP or gastroenterologist.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a “diagnosis of exclusion”. This means that the diagnosis of IBS should only be made once more serious or sinister diseases have been excluded.
Three muscle groups may be associated with trigger points in the abdominal wall- the Rectus abdominis- the “six pack” muscles that run between the lower ribs and the pelvis, and the internal and external oblique muscles which support the side of the abdominal wall. The muscles are responsible for “holding in” the abdominal contents and for flexion and rotation of the spine.
Abdominal trigger points often develop in the abdominal wall in response to disease inside the abdomen, and so often exacerbate the symptoms of other structural abdominal problems such as inflammatory bowel disease. The most common features are increase in pain, bloating and heartburn. Acupuncture may be a useful additional treatment option for such patients, usually working with the patients other doctors.
- Trigger points often develop when under psychological stress
- Diffuse symptoms- local pain, tenderness and bloating
- May develop from direct trauma
- May be the cause of “idiopathic pain” or “grumbling appendicitis”
- Trigger points frequently associated with poor exercise techniques
- May cause dysmenorrhoea or “period pain”
- May mimic appendicitis and gall stone pain